2010年9月21日 星期二

Android ADT 0.9.8, SDK Tools r7

這個月Android更新了 ADT, SDK Tools

SDK Tools, Revision 7 (September 2010)

If you are developing in Eclipse with ADT, note that SDK Tools r7 is designed for use with ADT 0.9.8 and later. After installing SDK Tools r7, we highly recommend updating your ADT Plugin to 0.9.8.

General notes:
  • Added support for library projects that depend on other library projects.
  • Adds support for aidl files in library projects.
  • Adds support for extension targets in Ant build to perform tasks between the normal tasks: -pre-build, -pre-compile, and -post-compile.
  • Adds support for "headless" SDK update. See android -h update sdk for more information.
  • Fixes location control in DDMS to work in any locale not using '.' as a decimal point.

ADT 0.9.8 (September 2010)

ADT 0.9.8 is designed for use with SDK Tools r7 and later. Before updating to ADT 0.9.8, we highly recommend that you use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to install SDK Tools r7 into your SDK.(先更新SDK喔)

General notes:
  • Adds a new Action, "Rename Application Package", to the Android Tools contextual menu. The Action does a full application package refactoring.
  • Adds support for library projects that don't have a source folder called src/. There is now support for any number of source folders, with no name restriction. They can even be in subfolder such as src/java. If you are already working with library projects created in ADT 0.9.7, seeMigrating library projects to ADT 0.9.8 for important information about moving to the new ADT environment.
  • Adds support for library projects that depend on other library projects.
  • Adds support for additional resource qualifiers: car/desk, night/notnight and navexposed/navhidden.
  • Adds more device screen types in the layout editor. All screen resolution/density combinations listed in the Supporting Multiple Screens are now available.(沒看到有新的Screen阿)
  • Fixes problems with handling of library project names that contain characters that are incompatible with the Eclipse path variable. Now properly sets up the link between the main project and the library project.

最近超需要Rename Application Package的功能,之前都用手動改package name真是麻煩死了,ADT更新的時機真是太剛好了。

